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Mr Moco rigs and heads can be programmed in a number of ways including using keyframes in our Flair software or by pre-visualizing everything in 3D/CGI beforehand. Sometimes though the best way is using hand controls, especially if one is trying to follow some slightly unpredictable action or event, or the director wants a more live-action or hand held look. There are many types of inputs that can be used some of which are not listed here, common ones available as options include:

Handwheels/MSA-20 Handwheels


The Handwheels allow a movement to be manually recorded. This offers the ability to frame any subject with ease. Any movement made with the handwheels is recorded and can be accurately played back. The MSA-20 Handwheels are for use with any of our Motion Control rigs or heads and can also just be used as a remote head system. The MSA-20 is a portable solution enabling the user to record and playback moves with or without Flair.

Pan Bars (encoded Fluid head)


The Pan Bars make following the action childsplay, as if one is using an everyday manual fluid head. This gives the ability to frame any subject with ease. Any movement made with the Pan Bars is recorded and can be accurately played back. If you are unfamiliar with Handwheels, then the Pan Bars are the right choice offering an intitutive feel to following the action.

Joystick Console


The Joystick controller allows our heads to be directly controlled as a remote or moco head. The Joystick console can record multiple moves and store them in its memory for later playback. The joystick is a 3-axis joystick allowing 3 axes to be controlled and additional inputs exist should the user wish to control more than 3 motors. Simple A to B programmed moves can also be entered using the Joystick, with or without Flair.

Focus and/or Iris Controller

Focus and/or Iris Controller

Using a motor attached to the lens to drive it, the focus/iris controller gives you manual control to pull focus or adjust the aperture. We record any movements the motors have made using the focus/iris controller. Then, when required, we can play back any recorded movement.

Zoom Controller

Zoom Controller

Using a motor attached to the lens to drive it, the zoom controller gives you manual control to zoom in or out. We record any movements the motors have made using the zoom controller. Then, when required, we can play back any recorded movement.


Motion Base Controller

Motion Base Controller

The motion base controller (also known as a waldo or maquette) is a miniature model of a full-size 6-DOF (Degree-of-Freedom) motion base platform (also known as a Stewart Platform) which provides an intuitive method of controlling or programming the full size version. The miniature model can be moved by hand and the full size rig will mimic the motion.

Flair Motion Control

Flair Motion Control

Flair is the most advanced motion control software package available with the capability to control anything from a single motor to multi-axis studio and portable motion control rigs - up to 32 axes of motion in total. Using a simple interface, moves are entered using the most familiar method of move entry, a series of keyframes, each one stating a set of specific motor positions at a specific time. Moves can have only 2 keyframes, or 40 or more. With 18 years of constant development and use by our Operators, Flair offers a wide array of features to make programming a move simple and quick. Visit the Flair page on the Mark Roberts Motion Control website for more information.







3317 Ocean Park Boulevard
Santa Monica
CA 90405

Camera Control Inc


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MRMC product videos music by Ingo Ludwig Frenzel

Website by LaytonKloss