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The Milo is the most versatile motion rig ever designed. Its incredibly rigid structure allows it to do macro work as easily as large, live-action moves. It has excellent stability when starting and stopping quickly which helps when importing CGI moves. It has a secondary or "outer" arm which allows the camera to go from underslung to overslung in one continuous motion, maximizing vertical travel and enabling it to reach into small spaces such as car interiors. The Milo can take a wide range of camera packages from IMAX and 3D to HiDef and DSLR.


We have transported our Milos all over the USA and overseas. The rig is designed to be easy to move around a location or studio space on floor wheels. It can be transported whole when traveling by road. For longer trips it is designed to be easily taken apart into 7 main pieces (excluding rails) by just 3 people. Typically from arrival on set the Milo is ready to shoot within one hour.


Our rigs are programmed using Flair Motion Control software, the most advanced motion control software available. Moves can be planned in 3D packages, fed into Flair and executed by our rigs. Reversely, moves programmed in Flair can be exported to 3D packages. For following live action or adding a handheld feel we have handweels and pan bars (encoded Fluid head) as well as options for manual focus/zoom record and playback.

Contact us to arrange a demo or to discuss your requirements and get expert advice from one of our experienced motion control crew.







3317 Ocean Park Boulevard
Santa Monica
CA 90405

Camera Control Inc


Terms & Conditions

MRMC product videos music by Ingo Ludwig Frenzel

Website by LaytonKloss